


印度全球药房由一群年轻且有进取心的企业家创立于哈里亚纳邦古尔冈,我们从事医疗保健行业已有8年以上。与费森尤斯医疗,Lumenis Aesthetics,Smith和Nephew和Leica Biosystems等跨国公司合作后,Global团队在肝炎,肾病学,皮肤病学,癌症和创伤等最关键专业领域拥有第一手经验。 Global Pharmacy是Mylan,Novartis,Pfizer,GSK,Astra Zeneca,Sanofi Aventis,Boehringer,Abbott,Merck和Natco等大多数国际公司品牌的授权销售商。

全球药房是通过ISO 9001:2015认证的公司。

全球药房涉及可在本地消费和出口的各种药品。具体而言,我们在肾脏和肝脏移植药物,药物注射剂,救生药物,抗癌药物,肾脏病药物以及药物胶囊和片剂等垂直行业中销售了来自知名公司的10,000多个品牌的药物。我们还提供透析机,世界第一品牌费森尤斯(Fresenius Medical Care)的透析消耗品,组织病理学设备和Leica Biosystems以及各种重症监护产品的消耗品系列。

我们还通过姊妹机构Peregrinevigor Health Consulting Pvt为全球患者提供端到端医疗咨询。我们协助来自世界各地的全球患者以最实惠的价格在最好的医院进行治疗。我们与Medanta- Medicity医院,Artemis医院,Fortis Group pf医院和Paras医院,Apollo医院,Gangaram医院,BLK医院等领先的公司医院建立了合作关系。我们还为C型肝炎,B型肝炎患者提供远程医疗咨询和肿瘤学方面的最佳顾问,他们在印度各地最好的医院拥有15-20年以上的经验。

我们在药房内设有不同部门,其中员工专门从事各种业务活动。该公司由Ajay Raghunath Daksh先生(董事)领导,他本人曾与最大的跨国公司合作,并且了解患者管理和客户满意度的重要性。我们所有供应商的选择均基于其在市场上的信誉以及在母公司中的声誉。为了满足最苛刻的肝炎和癌症患者市场的需求,我们在确定采购标准方面付出了很多努力,他们的治疗方法完全取决于要从我们药房采购的药物。我们在验证和采购原始药品方面不遗余力。一队训练有素的专业人员会特别注意包装,并在向印度境内或国外的我们的患者分发药物时使用最优质的包装材料,并进行随机检查以确保每次和每次都100%遵从。我们拥有内部物流网络和EMS的授权供应商,为全球患者提供药品直邮服务。

About Us

Global Pharmacy -India, founded in the Gurgaon, Haryana, by a team of young and motivated entrepreneurs who have been into the healthcare industry for more than 8 years. Having worked with Multi nationals like Fresenius Medical Care, Lumenis Aesthetics, Smith and Nephew and Leica Biosystems the team at Global has first-hand experience of most critical specializations like Hepatitis, Nephrology, Dermatology, Cancer and Trauma. Global Pharmacy is authorised seller for most of the International company brands like Mylan, Novartis, Pfizer, GSK, Astra Zeneca, Sanofi Aventis, Boehringer, Abbott, Merck and Natco to name a few.

Global Pharmacy is ISO 9001:2015 certified company.

Global Pharmacy is into all kinds of Medicines available for local consumption and as well as exports. To be specific we deal in more than 10,000 brands of medicines from reputed Companies in the verticals of  Kidney & Liver Transplant Medicines, Pharmaceutical Injection, life Saving Drugs, Cancer Medicines, Nephrology Drugs, and Pharmaceutical Capsules & Tablets to name a few. We also offer Dialysis machines, Dialysis consumables from World No. 1 brand Fresenius Medical Care, Histopathology equipment’s and consumables product range from Leica Biosystems and various Critical Care products.

We also provide end to end healthcare consulting to our Global patients through our sister concern Peregrinevigor Health Consulting Pvt. Ltd. We assist global patients from various countries get their treatment done in the best hospitals at a very affordable pricing. We have corporate tie ups with leading corporate hospitals like Medanta- The Medicity Hospital, Artemis Hospitals, Fortis Group pf Hospitals and Paras Hospital, Apollo hospital, Gangaram Hospital, BLK Hospital etc. We also assist patients with telemedicine consultations for Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and Oncology with the best of the consultants who have more 15-20 years of experience with the best of the hospitals around India.

We have different departments within the pharmacy wherein employees are specialised in various business operations. The company is headed by Mr. Ajay Raghunath Daksh (Director), who himself has worked with the biggest Multinational companies and understands the importance of patient care and customer satisfaction. All our suppliers are selected on the basis of their credibility in the market and their reputation with the parent company. A lot of effort is put into confirming the standards of procurement as we cater to the most demanding Hepatitis and Cancer patients segment, their treatments are solely dependent on medicines which are to be sourced from our pharmacy. We leave no stone unturned in verifying and procuring only ORIGINAL medicines. A team of trained professionals takes special care of packaging and best grade packaging material is used while dispatching medicines to our patients within India or abroad and random checks are made to ensure 100% compliance each time and every time. We have an in house logistics network and an authorized vendor with EMS. We offer the DTP (direct to patient) service globally.